Car Parks Owners Association Update
In February 2018, Best Asset Management introduced car park owners to an independently managed Car Parks Owners Association (CPOA). The CPOA is designed to give owners a unified and larger voice so they can work together to recover unpaid rental income and secure the underlying value of their car park assets, which would include being part of any settlement or judgment that Best achieves through its legal action in Dubai. Assistance Groups Assets and Investments (a trading name for Holkham Compensation, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee) is the independent manager for the Association.
We are pleased to report that of the CPOA invitations sent out a number of these are still in the process of being returned. However, of those sent out 65% of car parks spaces have been returned, and others have indicated positively that they will also join the CPOA. Thank you to all car park owners who have taken the time to sign and return their documents. This is a significant level of return and unifies the voice of the owners in relation to any forthcoming action or settlement process. Some owners may not yet have received an invitation to the CPOA, please rest assured that Best is liaising with your SIPP trustee and will get the documents sent to you as soon as possible. We will continue to update the CPOA as the legal process continues and encourage owners who have not returned their CPOA documents to consider doing so.