Enviroparks Update - April 2020
Despite the Coronavirus there has been progress in regards to the Enviroparks project.
As you will all be aware the project has several counterparties that are keen to progress, however there is a need for a planning amendment regarding the exhaust height.
The monies were raised for this and there have since been several positive meetings with planners. The site sits across two planning districts which makes things complicated, not least due to one of those planning districts being for the Brecon Beacons National Park.
Having had, what was perceived as very successful planning meetings, the Enviroparks team have had the necessary reports carried out (environmental, visual impact etc.) which show that the exhaust extension achieves all that is required from an environmental perspective with much less visual impact than something such as a wind turbine.
As such, the public consultation is expected to start in the 2nd week of May with a view that the final version of submission, with all reports and results of the consultation, being submitted in June.
We understand that investors really just wish to know when they are going to be redeemed and currently we cannot provide this information, but the planning takes us to the point where the current counterparties that wish to proceed on site, are able to do so. Once these counterparties are signed then there are several routes by which the Enviroparks team are looking to expedite an exit.