Lanner Trust FAQs

Who are the appointed trustees to the Lanner Trust

The appointed Trustees are Trident Trust Company (Malta) Limited who is authorised by the Malta Financial Services Authority to act as a trustee and to provide other fiduciary services in terms of the Trusts and Trustees Act. For further information email

Who is my primary point of contact going forward?

For general product information or estimated valuation enquiries please refer to the online updates posted at which will be updated with the most up to date information available.

For general administration queries please contact:

Best Administration Services Limited

Email address:

Telephone number: +44 (0) 1565 656315

For questions about the operation of the trust please contact:

Trident Trust Company (Malta) Limited

Email address:

Telephone number: 00356 23715156

How can I update my bank details or anti money laundering information?

The Trustees can be contacted directly to facilitate the change on the following details:

Trident Trust Company (Malta) Limited

Email address:

Telephone number: 00356 23715156

How can I update my personal contact details?

The administrator can be contacted directly on the following details:

Best Administration Services Limited

Email address:

Telephone number: +44 (0) 1565 656315

I used to hold shares through a professional nominee. Do I now hold the equivalent unit trust value in my own name or the name of my pension scheme?

The beneficial interest in the trust is now held in the name of the individual or their pension scheme directly, with no professional nominee service necessary.

Can I transfer, sell or redeem my beneficial interest?

The beneficiary can assign their rights to the beneficial interest, including for value to a third party if they wish to do so. This transaction would be a private transaction between the parties involved and once completed the trustee would be informed to amend the beneficiary details.

Best International Group