Oásis Atlántico updated investment grade rating

Oásis Atlântico has an updated risk rating of BBB- investment grade for the second year running, awarded by international credit rating agency, ARC Ratings.

ARC Ratings, S.A. are an international are an international credit rating agency (CRA) based in Europe, registered with the European securities and Markets Authority (ESA) and recognised as an External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI).  Their aim is to consolidate and strengthen a global information and collaboration network for the benefit of more accurate and superior-quality credit risk assessments to investors, without any geo-ethnical or idiosyncratic biases.

The BBB-investment grade rating has been awarded based on Oásis Atlântico’s positive developments achieved in 2017, increased capacity to generate funds and helping to support their journey for continued growth. The ARC rating highlights how the use of corporate bonds can be utilised as part of a well-considered financial strategy.

Oásis Atlântico had an incredible year in 2017 continuing to report on notable success with increased occupancy rates and average revenue per available room (REVPAR). Their focus is to enhance their existing hotel business and market diversification into Morocco.

We are delighted to be continuing to support and work with Oásis Atlântico in the next stages of their development and look forward to bringing you further updates later in the year. 

Caroline Gabb