Orthios Update - December 2020

As we mentioned in our last update, the installation of the P2O equipment continues to progress well. Please click on the links below to see some of the equipment already installed on site, highlighting some of the works undertaken in the building to house this initial machine.

Image 1: Plastic Handling building

Image 2: Containers delivered

Image 3: Units starting to go into the main reactor building

The build process continues to be somewhat challenging due to operators having to work under Covid restrictions which has meant the activation of distance management and remote operating procedures. Engineers that were going to be assisting in the build are doing so by remote CCTV instruction to on-site fitters. Whilst making this a more difficult build than we could have expected, implementing these measures has enabled us to maintain positive progress within Covid-safe operating rules. New employees have started with Orthios as the plant is being constructed so they have vital knowledge on the equipment design and technology. These staff will be of vital importance going forward in the operations.

Discussions with substantive off-takers are now in progress with samples being tested and lab reports being generated on the output of the equipment. The samples are generated using the same source materials that Orthios are using, having been put through the same processes. As such, a clear set of samples have been produced and delivered to potential off-takers.

In addition to the P2O equipment the Orthios team have been considering other technologies and tenants for the site. There are multiple contracts still being discussed under NDA so whilst we cannot disclose specific details we are able to say that there are substantive discussions on over thirty acres of the site, with the aim of generating strong income rates. As these negotiations conclude, announcements can be made; all of which we anticipate will lead to more local jobs whilst progressing the ’recycling agenda’ of the site .

The first of the official announcements and external press releases are expected during the next 4 weeks, so keep an eye out for those. We will be adding links to the next update document regarding these public announcements.

Best International Group