Oasis Atlantico Update - March 2021

6th Anniversary of Oasis Bonds

We have received the below communication from Alexandre which I am passing on to you for information:-

We have just passed the 6th anniversary of the first issue of Oasis Bonds. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for investing in Oasis Atlantico. You have helped us refurbish and improve our hotel facilities, and we hope we have provided you with a good return.

While the precise circumstances of any one individual’s investment may differ based on the date they invested, a summary of the last 6 years looks like this:

  • A total of about £4m of Bonds were issued and all of this money was used to improve the facilities at Cape Verde Hotels, including increasing the quality and quantity of our accommodation.

  • Over the past 6 years, we have fully redeemed about 6% of those bonds, paying out to subscribers who had difficult circumstances and needed to exit.

  • We have also paid approximately 38% of the cash value of the bonds to you in cash.

  • Taking the accrued yield and payments owed into account, the current value of any bond is worth about 105% of their par value.

  • Taking the above together, those still holding the Bonds have grown their holdings by 143% over the life of the Bonds. I compared this to the AJ Bell reference index for Corporate Bonds which would be valued at 133.8% over the same period (source: Market iBoxx GB Benchmark used by AJ Bell to compare Corporate Bond Income Funds, over a matching period would be 5.64% annualised)

In the next few days and weeks I will be communicating more about the impact of Brexit on the way interest payments are handled, or plans to re-open our resorts in line with the global emergence from the Pandemic, and the payment of interest and redemptions.

However, for now I just wanted to acknowledge your involvement in what has been a market beating and mutually beneficial collaboration.


Alexandre Abade

CEO, Oasis Atlantico